Amazing : Bitmart × Bantu(XBN) 70000 XBN Airdrop

It’s been established in previous posts that the Bantu Blockchain Network is an effect-minded blockchain framework that fuses a firm transfer, issuance, settlement, transfer, and custody of digital assets Instantaneously.

Been the first African Block Chain Innovation, in the past one month bantu has given out over 50k dollars worth of XBN.

The mission is to empower humanity across all industry sectors, both public and private using blockchain and be a conduit for positive socio-economic impact in the emerging economies around the world.

Still on the mission of empowering humanity, the Bantu Blockchain is teaming up with Bitmart exchange for an amazing 70000 XBN Airdrop.

70000 Airdrop
 Bitmart × Bantu(XBN) 70000 XBN Airdrop

Over 70,000 XBN would be shared by 200 lucky persons. This is a huge giveaway as this is worth over $5000. If shared equally a lucky person is expected to receive up to 350 XBN.

I know this is so huge, right? and i also know we’re all eager to participate in this MEGA GIVEAWAY. Well the steps are quite easy, so do not be bothered or scared to participate in this huge giveaway.

Steps To Participate In The 70000 XBN Airdrop

70000 XBN Airdrop
Steps To Participate In The 70000 XBN Airdrop

Here’s a quick rundown by Droidvilla of the steps to participate in this exciting giveaway

 70,000 XBN airdrop

Note : 70000 XBN Airdrop price would be shared among 200lucky winners by 1st Feb 11am EST.

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2 thoughts on “Amazing : Bitmart × Bantu(XBN) 70000 XBN Airdrop”

  1. Wow. That’s a lot of steps to follow. But, then, I managed to complete every step successfully. Now, awaiting my name to be announced with other lucky winners.


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