Breaking: Apple Set To Reveal iPhone 15 Price Shock.

Apple has recently introduced a global price increase for the iPhone 14 range, and also the iPhone 15 price, China and U.S. were exempted from the hike in price.iPhone 15 Price iPhone 14 iOS

Recently it has been rumored that a new iPhone 15 leak says costs are going up a lot more, and from the look of things no one will escape the increase this time.

In a recent tweet, a popular insider at Apple, revealed that Apple’s widely leaked new flagship, which is the iPhone 15 Ultra,

“will cost a lot for it to be manufactured than the iPhone 14 Pro Max”

Meanwhile he doesn’t give away how much this is, it just opens the door for price rises across the range.

Also read: The New iPhone 14 Is The Most Uncomplicated iPhone To Repair 

iPhone 15 Price Reveal and Its Hike 

For those who do not know, the iPhone 15 Ultra is expected to replace the Pro Max in Apple’s next iPhone lineup. And “replace” is the critical part of this.

Initially, the Ultra was showcased at the very best Apple can make. It’s a way that fits the company’s flagship iPad Pro and MacBook Pro, which range from )$20000 and $6100, respectively). Apple’s top performing M1 chip has also been named ‘Ultra’.

More information revealed that the iPhone 15 Ultra is obviously a rebranding exercise, which might give out a big price increase plan. Apple would simply slot the iPhone 15 Ultra with that of an iPhone 15 Pro Max, and the rest will follow.

It has been said that iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Ultra, would be more straightforward than the X, XR, XS and Pro Max would replace that of the recent years. But this might not be a swift process.iPhone 15 Price iPhone 14 iOS

In the previous months, it was also rumored that the iPhone 24 Ultra would have head-turning upgrades like dual and front-facing cameras and also a titanium chassis, a material that is 35 times more expensive than the Pro Max’s stainless steel. This got to show that the leaked information makes a lot of sense.

Most times increased manufacturing costs does not always lead to increase in price. But one should be ready when they cost more. Apple has a lot of margins to preserve.

Despite this, the company has a clear pricing structure, and it doesn’t involve one model positioned which was far above the rest. There will always be increment. Definitely if the Ultra goes up, the rest of the range will have to close the gap to meet it.

In a time of extreme inflation and a cost of living crisis, it might be shocking to think that Apple will obviously increase iPhone prices for the second year running.

Even US customers are currently spending up to 15% more on average buying iPhones. This is because the $899 iPhone 24 Plus replaced the & 699 iPhone 13 Mini, so the &799 iPhone 14 became the new entry point, while their underwhelming upgrades pushed more customers to the pros.



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