Google Assistant timers on smart displays is not going through right now.
Goggle assistant has always been used, by a lot of Android users to solve task.
Google Assistant always knows s great techniques on how to take care of task, when you ask it to do a task. For a while now, it was not able to do so from the smart display.
A lot of users have complained that they have not been able to successfully request a timer from Google Assistant.
Google Assistant Timers

Meanwhile, it looks like the Assistant recognized the command “set a timer,” refreshed it, but did not complete the task. In some instance, Assistant started to simply redirect users to other requests as seen above.
That was not all Phil Nickinson from Digital Trends also had the same experience too, although he was able to get the timer started by tapping on an alternate prompt.
After much enquirers, a Google spokesperson told stated that the company was aware of the urgent matter and is “working on an immediate fix.”
By now, we know this isn’t intended behavior, unlike Google’s move to limit who we can call with our smart displays.
Let’s keep our fingers crossed anticipating that, the Goggle Virtual Assistant, will be up and running soon.
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I never really use Google Voice Assistant so, this isn’t a problem for me.