Huawei Launches World's Most Powerful AI Processor

Huawei Launches World’s Most Powerful AI Processor
Huawei Launches World's Most Powerful AI Processor

Ascend 910 was officially launched yesterday by Huawei, which is claimed to be the world’s most powerful artificial intelligence (AI) processor, and an all-scenario AI computing framework called MindSpore.

The Ascend 910
The Ascend 910 has been found to deliver on its performance goals with much lower power consumption than originally planned which is a step up. It delivers upto 256 TeraFLOPS for half-precision floating point (FP16) operations, and 512 TeraOPS for integer precision calculations (INT8).

Huawei Launches World's Most Powerful AI Processor

With the launch of Ascend 910 and MindSpore, Huawei is on the verge to achieving its ambitious AI goals.

“Everything is moving forward according to plan. We promised a full-stack, all-scenario AI portfolio. And today we delivered,” said Xu.

Huawei Launches World's Most Powerful AI Processor

According to him, MindSpore will go open source in the first quarter of 2020, and he hopes that this framework will help software developers build advanced AI applications with ease and train their models more quickly.

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