Instagram To Introduce More Safety Tools For Teens By 2022

Instagram has shared their future plans and what new told they will be introducing regarding teens.

The plan is to launch more safety tools which includes a new educational hub for them and letting parents/guardians become more involved in their teens’ Instagram life.

This is so because Meta has been grilled by the Senate over their lack of safety concerning teens on their platform.

Safety Tools
Instagram Launch New Safety Tools For Teens

They have promised to be more strict over what their algorithm recommends to users that are young, and who can mention and tag them.

Come 2022, Parents will be able to view how much time the teens spend using the app and also, set limits to how much they can spend there. This is something that will probably not go well with the kids.

More About The New Instagram Safety Tools

Options to send notifications to parents will be made available to the Teens, in case they reported someone as that can be an opportunity for them to discuss about the problem.

A way to bulk delete photos and videos likewise previous likes and comments will be tested by instagram.

This particular feature will be made available for everyone but it will be more beneficial to teens who might want to delete some parts of their past on the platform once they get older.

Safety Tools
New Safety Tools For Teens

This new experience will be rolled out January 2022. Instagram is also working on other ways to make it safer for teens. Before now, teens cannot get messages from Adults that doesn’t follow them.

Very soon, people will not be able to tag or mention teens that aren’t following them. While all these may help protect teens to some extent, the Senate hearings will likely continue concerning big tech.

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