iOS hack tips you didn't know about: Shocking

iOS hack tips you didn't know about: Shocking

Did you know? 

You Don’t Have to Swipe over left or right to Switch Between Home Screen Pages on Your iPhone.
Swiping between pages on your iPhone’s home screen feels old fashioned and boring, but we have got this on for a while and feels great to share to you all.

Have you ever thought of the tiny dots on your bottom screen of your iPhone and wondered what its there for? Obviously it shows what exact page number you are onto. 
Besides showing you what page you’re currently on, you can also tap on those dots to switch between pages without having to swipe left or right. This feels more modern and cool without having to swipe over and over again. 

This also works in folders displayed on your home screen. So far so good, we found this feature worth it and more useful for those with larger screen display devices.

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