Piggyvest launched its flex Dollar Wallet : Must read

Piggyvest launched its flex Dollar Wallet : Must read
Dollar Flex Wallet

Piggyvest becoming more interesting each and every day with new added features and upgrades.

Piggyvest recently added the Flex Dollar 💵 wallet feature which helps saves your Naira to Dollar and more.

About piggyvest Flex Dollar Wallet

  • Welcome to Flex Dollar
Save, Invest & Transfer in Dollars.
  • Up to 70% in dollars
Get up to 7.0% per annum on your dollars for just
sitting in your Flex Dollar wallet. 

  • Control your dollars
You decide to transfer, withd raw in dollars or even
convert back to naira at your own convenience.
  • No penalties!
You do not pay any penalties on your transfers,
funding & withd rawals of your dollar amount.
  • Flex DollarM
Current interest rate at 7.0% p.a
Piggyvest launched its flex Dollar Wallet : Must read
Dollar Flex wallet 


Save in dollars and earn interests.
Transfer to friends
Transfer your dollar to anyone on PiggyVest instantly; 100% FREE too.
Convert to Naira
Convert your dollar to naira instantly.
Transfer to bank

Transfer your dollar to your domiciliary bank
account for a small fee.
Flex Dollar funds are invested in dollar fixed term investments with Anchoria Asset Management, a division of VFD group. Anchoria Asset Management is licensed by The Securities and Exchange Com-mission (SEC), Nigeria. Their investment products focus on capital preservation while providing income and asset class diversification.

Check out Piggyvest Referral earnings program HERE

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