Best Computer Gaming Settings For Intel HD Graphics 2020

Intel HD Graphics Control Panel
Intel HD Graphics Control Panel

Technically, Onboard graphics like Intel HD Graphics aren’t designed for high end gaming, so expect to tweak the settings way down if you want to play modern games with high performance.

However, lots of games are playable after tweaking.

Intel HD Graphics Settings

Intel HD Graphics Control Panel
Intel HD settings 

You can use Intel’s graphics control panel to optimize your graphics.

How to optimize your graphics settings for gaming! 

  1. Launch Intel’s graphics control panel by right clicking the Windows desktop and select “Graphics Properties”
  2. Click the “3D” icon when the control panel window appears to access 3D graphics settings.
  3. Set Application Optimal Mode to “Enable” This option enables optimizations that increases performance.

  4. Set Multi-Sample Anti-Aliasing to “Turn Off”
  5. Set Conservative Morphological Anti-Aliasing to “Override Application Settings”
  6. Set General Settings to “Performance”
Intel HD Graphics Control Panel
Intel HD Graphics Control Panel

You can also navigate to power section to do the following tweaks.

There are separate settings for Plugged In and On Battery, for both settings click on Maximum performance.

Intel HD Graphics Control Panel
Minimum performance 

With these tweaks, you can enjoy gaming on your on board Intel’s graphics.
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