Bypass Windows 7, 8, 10 Login Without using CD's

Bypass Windows 7, 8, 10 Login Without using CD's

Forgotten system password?
Do you wish to access someone system without requesting for its passcode?
Good news from droidvilla, you can now easily bypass windows 7,8 and 10 login screen without the normal process of installing a new windows (also known as formatting).
Follow the below steps to bypass Your Windows Password Protected PC:

1) Press the power button to turn on your computer.

2) While your on the screen with the animated microsoft logo, press and hold the power button until turn off.

3) Press the power button to turn on again.

4) You should now see the option to lunch Start Up repair. Select the option and press enter.

5) Run Startup Repair.

6) You should see a blue bar that moves across the screen repeatedly. Above it should be messages
that say “searching for problems” or something The message should change to “Attempting repairs” within a few minutes.

7) Leave the computer running. This message should be there for 15 – 45 minutes depending on your computer.

A message should pop up that says “start up repair could not fix the problem”. Click the arrow next to “show problem details”.

8) Scroll to the bottom and click the link to the .txt.

9) Notepad should open up with the file.

10) In notepad click File->Open

You can now use the file browser to perform the sethc.exe hack .

11) Go to C:Windowssystem32 and find sethc.exe and rename to Eben.exe😄

12) Copy the cmd.exe and rename the copied file to sethc.exe

13) Restart the computer and at the login screen press the “shift” key five (5) times and quick succession.

14) Type in the cmd window “control userpasswords2” without the quotation marks.

15) You can now make a new adminaccount and login
Bypass Windows 7, 8, 10 Login Without using CD's

You are Done.

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