Don’t lose your favourite Snapchat filter again – See how

Lover of Snapchat? Ever come across that one filter that gives you the exact and perfect look you want and you don’t just want to lose it anytime soon, then you are lucky enough to have come across this article today.

Snapchat favourite filters
For those using snapchat just for taking filter selfies and videos, have you ever loved a particular filter and all of a sudden it disappears because of unnecessary update of filters

Say no more, as an Android Technology Blog, we have been able to come across a solution not to lose special or favourite Snapchat filters on Android and iPhone.

How to not lose favourite Snapchat filters on android and ios

In other not to lose your favour Snapchat filters simply do ensure to always turn off your data connection before opening the Snapchat app. By doing this simple step, your Snapchat will not be able to refresh or update the filters. So you will never have to lose your favourite Snapchat filters ever again.

If eventually you wish to get new Snapchat filter updates, then proceed in activating the Internet connection then open snapchat for update on filters.
This works for both iphone and android, secure your favourite Snapchat filter and do not lose them.
That is all.
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