Best To Hide a Folder On Your Mobile Device Without The Use Of Third Party Application 2022

Many at times we want too be discrete while releasing our mobile devices for others to use. At times we want some form of privacy to some files.

Well we came up with a minute solution you can use to hide a folder containing this files so no one except you could access this files on your mobile devices.

Here Are The Steps To Hide A Folder

  • Step 1: First of all identify the files and move them to a folder you named. (e.g: ‘Private’)
Hide a Folder
Move Files To A Folder Named Private
  • Step 2: Hold on the new folder or the folder you want to hide.

Hide a Folder

  • Step 3: A drop down icon will display. On the drop down icon click on rename.
Hide a Folder
Click on rename
  • Step 4: Now without clearing the name in the already named folder, take your pointer to the beginning of the folder name.
Hide a Folder
Take Pointer To The Beginning Of The Text
  • Step 5: Now add dot (.) before the folder name without spacing. (e.g: ‘.Private’) to make it an hidden folder.
Hide a Folder
Add a dot(.)
  • Step 6: Now click OK.
Hide a Folder
Click OK

For some mobile devices the folder immediately disappears. Without panicking go to your file manager settings and look for an option that says show hidden files.

Then your hidden folder will appear faded where it should be; but will not display on any third party application that is capable of reading files in your file manager. This is a good way to hide a folder without external applications

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2 thoughts on “Best To Hide a Folder On Your Mobile Device Without The Use Of Third Party Application 2022”

  1. The steps look quite simple and easy to follow. I’ll definitely try this on my small device, maybe it’ll work.
    Thanks for this. 👍🏾


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