How I earned N120, 000 in a month as a content creator on OperaNewsHub 2020

How I earned N120, 000 in a month as a content creator on OperaNewsHub 2020

How I earned N120, 000 in a month as a content creator on OperaNewsHub 2020
Good news like I always say is imminent on!
Here is my success story as a tech content creator on OperaNewsHub and how I made N120, 000 in just a month by simply writing original articles.  
Have you heard of OperaNewsHub?
Obviously you might have come across it on almost all social media platforms and definitely you are confused on what it is actually all about. Today I decided to come in and get to let you know that OperaNewsHub is a very legit platform to write articles and earn big monthly. 
I joined OperaNewsHub as a tech content creator as at November 2019 and it all went well as I was a blogger and it was like being paid for what you love doing, so I had this opportunity as another source of revenue which was indeed a never regrettable decision. 
Furthermore, After getting approved on OperaNewsHub as a tech Content creator, I made my first article which was obviously and certainly the first step to success. After much posting and sharing across other platforms and getting lots of traffic to opera and my engagement, clicks, likes grew bigger and bigger. 
Was indeed encouraging just as you don’t need to bother or worry yourself on how to get clicks or engagement, just as opera has over 300million active users always ready to read your articles whenever they are published successfully.

I know you might be wondering how come I made huge 120k (N120, 000) by just writing on OperaNewsHub. Lol! 

To be sincere, it was like a dream but we all know good dreams comes true!
For those wanting to see my credit alert as claimed, here it is below!
How I earned N120, 000 in a month as a content creator on OperaNewsHub 2020
November payment as at 13th December 2019 

After getting this, I was speechless and guess what? The deal became serious as I doubled efforts to earn more and build my community (Followers).

Don’t ask me about my January credit alert please! I don’t want to be kidnapped yet! Lol!! I am not yet making millions

Table of contents:

  1. What is OperaNewsHub? 
  2. How can I register as a content creator on OperaNewsHub?
  3. How to write and publish my first article on OperaNewsHub?
  4. What is Publishing status? 
  5. How can I create an Opay account?
  6. How do I earn? 
  7. OperaNewsHub Traffic bonus
  8. OperaNewsHub Engagement bonus
  9. Here are some of my articles in the month of December
  10. What other ways can one earn as a content creator?
  11. How can I avoid my articles from been rejected?
  12. OperaNewsHub Title Rules
  13. Summary 
I know you are interested and wish to join, no problem I will teach you how to fish definitely today.
Before I get started lets get to know more about OperaNewsHub. 

What is OperaNewsHub? 

How I earned N120, 000 in a month as a content creator on OperaNewsHub 2020
peraNewsHub was specifically created for Africans to showcase their writing talent and earn money from it. Furthermore, as a blogger, you can also write and earn too. No restrictions
We all know being a blogger we ought to publish, share and find ways in getting traffic to get higher earnings and clicks, but that is different with OperaNewsHub just as traffics is already there, you only need to write interesting and original article and get published and visible to over 350 million people on OperaNews platform.
Interesting If you ask me!

How can I register as a content creator on OperaNewsHub?

Kindly do follow steps below to get registered in minutes!
  • Simply visit Opera News Hub Website HERE.
  • Tap on login with Facebook and you will be redirected automatically to Facebook page where you will have to sign in to your Facebook account. Just if you are signed in on Facebook already, you will be redirected to OperaNewsHub sign up page as seen in image below.
  • Now Fill Your OperaNewsHub Details correctly! Enter your Wemedia name (your unique OperaNewsHub blog name)
  • Now select Category (this is the category you will be writing about and it can be sports, technology, entertainment, etc.)
  • Also select a profile photo (upload your profile photo)
  • Finally, fill the description about what your HUB is all about and then, click on NEXT to proceed. (Image guide below).
How I earned N120, 000 in a month as a content creator on OperaNewsHub 2020
  • Now tell opera about yourself (Ensure to fill details in this field correctly).
  • Proceed to linking your Opay Account number to OperaNewsHub (Your payment is automatically sent to your opay account at 15th of every month).
  • Now confirm submission before proceeding! (ensure there is no mistake before submitting)
How I earned N120, 000 in a month as a content creator on OperaNewsHub 2020
  • Once submitted you will be redirected to OperaNewsHub creators page where you can write and start publishing your posts.
  • Note that your account will be under review by approval team ( once approved, you can start making posts and earning).
How I earned N120, 000 in a month as a content creator on OperaNewsHub 2020

How to write and publish my first article on OperaNewsHub?

Once your account is approved, you can make your first post immediately by following steps below!
  • Tap on the ➕ button at the bottom of the page as seen in image below!
  • Now give your article a title and get your contents below.
  • Once done with all necessary informations proceed to next
  • Add a thumbnail to your post and give it a category (Technology, sports, entertainment etc).
  • Finally add tags relating to your article and tap on submit.
How I earned N120, 000 in a month as a content creator on OperaNewsHub 2020
Create article
How I earned N120, 000 in a month as a content creator on OperaNewsHub 2020

What is publishing status?

How about I get to let you know that OperaNewsHub have 5 status which is
  1. Draft
  2. Pending
  3. Rejected 
  4. Test Online ( In process) 
  5. Published
How I earned N120, 000 in a month as a content creator on OperaNewsHub 2020
5 publishing status
If your article is not suitable for publishing on the platform, it will be rejected in the process of review. And you will see the reason for rejcetion.

How can I create an Opay account?

  • Firstly, download Opay app directly from playstore HERE
  • Now open application and proceed to sign up. 
  • Ensure the number used in Opay registration is same number used as Opay Account Number on OperaNewsHub.
You can as well fund your bank account directly from the opay application! 

How do I earn? 

It is definitely so easy to earn, Since opera News has over 350 million users on the platform, it will be easy for you to earn over N50,000 per month on the platform with original articles published.
Your pay will include 2 parts:

Traffic bonus + Engagement bonus

OperaNewsHub Traffic bonus

Traffic bonus will be based on how many clicks one article get.
For example:
  • if your article is with 1 clicks, the article will get traffic bonus 0.036₦
  • if your article is with 100 clicks, the article will get traffic bonus 3.6₦
  • if your article is with 1,000 clicks, the article will get traffic bonus 36₦
  • if your article is with 10,000 clicks, the article will get traffic bonus 360₦
  • if your article is with 25,000 clicks, the article will get 2.5 * 360 = ₦ 900
Since opera news hub is a big platform, it’s relatively easy to get more than 10,000 clicks.

NOTE: A simple and quick tips to improve your article click is to share to social network and/or forward to your friends, all those clicks are counted.

OperaNewsHub Engagement bonus

Extra pay will be based on how many engagement did your article harvest in Opera News platform: Share + Comment.
  • Only article with more than 100 engagements will be eligible for the engagement bonus.
  • For article with more than 100 engagements, it will be paid ₦1800 per 100 engagement.
For example:
  • If your article is with 20 engagements, the article will not get engagement bonus
  • If your article is with 250 engagements, the article will get 2.5 * 1800 = ₦ 4500 as engagement bonus

NOTE: A simple and quick tips to improve your article click is to share to social network and/or forward to your friends, which will bring more engagements for your article (share, comments)

Here are some of my articles in the month of December

How I earned N120, 000 in a month as a content creator on OperaNewsHub 2020

 What other ways can one earn as a content creator?

You can also earn by participating in Opera News Hub’s Top Performing Articles & Writers For Each Month.
Also by participating in Essay contest!
How I earned N120, 000 in a month as a content creator on OperaNewsHub 2020
Writer of the month December 2019
How I earned N120, 000 in a month as a content creator on OperaNewsHub 2020
1st prize 
How I earned N120, 000 in a month as a content creator on OperaNewsHub 2020
1st price

How can I avoid my articles from been rejected?

Yes, if you go against this rules, definitely your articles will be rejected continuously. So therefore, do ensure to follow guidelines below carefully to avoid articles rejected!

OperaNewsHub Title Rules

To make sure your articles on the Opera News Hub are not rejected, avoid the following:

1. The headline is all capital letters


2. Capitalize the first letter of each word in the title / except the prepositions (for, or, and, to …)

Example: The Mystery behind My Success

3. The title contains symbols, like ^ &

Example: Why you should eat Rice & Fish every week

4. Lowercase first letter

Example: how to cook Jollof rice

5. Wrong spelling

Example: Becoming Finioncialy Stable At A Job You Hate

6. Proper nouns in lower case

Example: World war 3 trump blocks iran’s top diplomat

7. Unreadable characters

Examples: The Skin Benefits of Sugar will shock youüò ± üò ± · –‚ÄòThe goop lab‚ Ä Trailer: Gwyneth Paltrow showcases how exorcisms and ..

8. Sentence Keyword Rule

Do not use these words. This is because they are recognized as click baits.

How I earned N120, 000 in a month as a content creator on OperaNewsHub 2020
Click baits
  1. Shocking
  2. Shock
  3. OMG
  4. Unbelievable
  7. Amazing

9. Keyword Rules in Sentences

The phrase ‘Shock you’ might also be rejected.

10. Exclamation rule
If you use more than 2 exclamation marks, your title will be rejected as it will be considered a clickbait and will be rejected.

Example: Bobrisky is not dead!!!


In summary of what OperaNewsHub is all about, we’d have no choice left than to say OperaNewsHub is a yes if you wish to earn from your writing skills and passion.
We are sure this is all you need for now to start earning!

Just if you have any question to ask, do feel free to comment below using the comment box.

You can find me on OperaNewsHub as
Follow me for more tips and guides on how to earn more!
For you also not to miss an update do follow me on Twitter @LegitDroid and do follow @OperaNewsHub for daily tips on how to earn more.

I hope this article gets to those who really need to earn while showcasing their passion.

Thank you

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