Twitter Username: Here’s an Easy Way To Change Twitter Username 2021

If you are thinking of changing your twitter username, good to have you here because today I will be showing you how you could easily change your twitter username.

Hope you already have twitter installed already on your mobile device.

Steps To Change Twitter Username:

  • Simply go to Twitter settings and privacy
  • Navigate to Account
  • Now tap on @username and edit to your choice.
Twitter Username: Here's an Easy Way To Change Twitter Username 2021
Tap on Username
Twitter Username
Edit Username


Note: If the chosen username is still available, you should get a green , otherwise you will be prompt to choose a different username.”

Changing your username will not affect your existing followers, Direct Messages, or replies.

Your followers will simply see a new username next to your profile photo when you update.

Suggestion: You are advised to notify your followers before changing your username so they can direct replies or Direct Messages to your new username.

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