How To Set Up An Online Webinar Class Using Google Meet

Getting started with an online live stream class is however seen to be a big deal to most persons and of which most individual get so scared when they come to see or here about an online webinar event/meeting being scheduled in their place of work, either school board meeting, departmental meeting and otherwise.

    New google meet logo
    Google meet

    Just as we get technically inclined by the day, Droidvilla as a tech niche blog is obligated to ensure we update everyone with the latest technology changes as they happen.

    In other update, Google meet recently made a new logo and the above image is the latest of Google meet new logo.

    Furthermore, if you have been so scared, worried or seeing an online webinar class as a big deal, today we shall try to be brief in showing a simple step by step guide on how to easily set up Google Meet and get to join a webinar class or create your own personal webinar Google meet link.

    Requirements to set up Google Meet

    • Firstly you should have Google Meet installed on your android device. You can download Google Meet directly from Google PlayStore
    • A strong 3G, 4G or latest 5G network.
    • You should have enough data for the meeting

    How To set Up Online Webinar Using Google Meet

    After you might have successfully downloaded and installed Google meet, simply follow steps below

    • Open the Google Meet App
    • Sign up/Sign in using your Gmail Account
    • Once successful you have been signed In
    Now to start a webinar class, or create a personal link to share to colleagues or students etc on Google meet. All you have to do is to tap on the new meeting button as seen on image below 
    Google meet webinar
    Google Meet New Meeting

    On hitting the New Meeting Button, you will have 3 options, which includes getting a meeting link to share, starting an instant meeting and lastly to schedule in calendar.

    New meeting link (google meet)
    New meeting link 
    • Now if you want a meeting with someone or members of your company, office or whatever, simply tap on the Get meeting link to share.
    Once the Google meet meeting link is created , now copy and share to those you wish to be present in the live Google meet seminar class.
    • Starting an instant meeting is more like the getting meeting link, but this time you will will automatically start the live meeting and will be provided with url meeting link that can be copy and share to people you want to join the meeting.
    Google meet instant meeting
    Google Meet Instant meeting 
    • Lastly, you can schedule a meeting for the future on Google meet, by scheduling a meeting on Google meet you can decide to choose a future date and time the meeting is to start and get to send everyone participant the meeting url link to enable take part of the meeting when it is time.
    Google meet schedule a meeting
    Scheduling a meeting on google meet
    You have got options to take note of, when scheduling a meeting on Google meet and of which it is well explanatory and everyone can easily get this done in no just time.

    How to join a meeting on Google meet

    Joining a meeting is quite easy, all you have to do is simply click on the meeting url provided by the meeting admin or sent to you via whatsapp, twitter, online, Facebook or any other medium.
    You can as well join a meeting via with a meeting code, just if you have one.

    Note about Google meet

    • Google meet is totally free and is capable to accept over 250 participants. 
    • Google meet is super fast and easy
    • You can as well share your screen on Google meet while having a live meeting. 
    Did we miss a thing you wanted to know more about? Do leave a comment below and we shall update the post in regards to your query.

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