Breaking : New Social Media App BlueSky, To Be Launched By Twitter’s Former Co-Founder Jack Dorsey 2022

Former CEO and Co-Founder of Twitter, Jack Dorsey has launched a new new social media app, Bluesky, this launch was made barely days after Elon Musk bought Twitter.

Jack Dorsey has agreed to the fact that Elon Musk bought Twitter to introduce changes he said made him leave Twitter.

Jack Dorsey started working on the Blue Sky App immediately after leaving Twitter.

New Social Media App
New Social Media App BlueSky, To Be Launched By Twitter Co-Founder Jack Dorsey

According to Jack, the tech ecosystem needs a new social media app different from the way Twitter is.

He made this statement after Elon Musk asked if Twitter algorithms should be open source.

He also said;

“Yes, a new platform is needed. It can’t be a company. This is why I left”.

Jack went ahead to state how the new social media app should look like, which includes.

“I believe it must be an open source protocol, funded by a foundation of sorts that doesn’t own the protocol, only advances it.

A bit like what Signal has done. It can’t have an advertising model.”

Otherwise you have surface area that governments and advertisers will try to influence and control.

If it has a centralized entity behind it, it will be attacked.

“This isn’t complicated work, it just has to be done right so it’s resilient to what has happened to twitter.”

More About The New Social Media App Bluesky

New Social Media App BlueSky, To Be Launched By Twitter Co-Founder Jack Dorsey

In other news it was also stated that the Bluesky social media app, runs on blockchain

So, it is decentralized, so it allows users to have control and independence over data on theplatform.

Another exciting thing about the social media app is that it is open source, which means that developers can build upon the app’s technology, as well.

To add to that, BlueSky will run the ADX – ‘Authenticated Data eXperiment (ADX) protocol for its functionality.

New Social Media App
New Social Media App BlueSky, To Be Launched By Twitter Co-Founder Jack Dorsey

The essence of this is to enable self-authentication of data on the platform.

According to news making rounds, it has been said that blueSky will unarguably be a strong rival to Twitter.

Also, Jack was the co-founder of Twitter and now is founding BlueSky.

What this means is that, having managed and then left Twitter, Jack Dorsey knows the strengths and weaknesses of Twitter.

So it would obviously be a walkover for Dorsey’s Blue Sky App to outshine Twitter.

Although BlueSky is still in the Beta Stage, 30,000 people have already signed up on the platform in just two days of its launch.

This is enough sign of how the BlueSky App might overpower Twitter soon.

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