Samsung Galaxy Fold unveiled: See now

Samsung Galaxy Fold unveiled: See now

Wow wow wow wow wow!

I could keep wowing all day long for such an amazing first of its kind Android device with astonishing features and specs.
Here it is, the all new Samsung Galaxy Fold!
A high tech phone, that you can seamlessly fold along the screen, using it as one whole screen or two split amazing screens.

Few images gotten from the unveiling

Samsung Galaxy Fold unveiled: See now

Samsung Galaxy Fold unveiled: See now

Samsung Galaxy Fold unveiled: See now

Samsung Galaxy Fold unveiled: See now

Samsung Galaxy Fold unveiled: See now

Samsung Galaxy Fold unveiled: See now

Known key features revealed

Bad news is that, the Samsung “Galaxy Fold” costs $1,980 US dollars starting price (about 700,000+ in Naira).
I guess this is whole lot huge and heart breaking, but trust me its worth having😍.
Just as its been unveiled, we wait patiently to a better and amazing features to help us make updates on this bomb.

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