Storage Access To Be Managed Better in Android 11.

Storage access management better in andriod 11.
Android 11 storage access management. 

Storage Access To Be Managed Better in Android 11. Following an email reportedly sent out by Google, apps will finally be able to manage storage better in Android 11 soon. Developers were also informed by Google the need to inform the search giant as to why their apps requires large storage space. This needs to happen before May 5. 

It was stated that those developers who does not respond won’t be allowed to publish updates that concerns Android 11. Hence, those developers who need storage access will have to contact Google as Android 11 must be targeted by November.

Else, their apps are to pulled from Google Play Store.

You may be wondering how it affects storage access for developers and Android 11 users?

Now, the issue here is that developers cannot access the “All Files Access” permission. That’s the storage access permission that Google is talking about via its email. The permission allows apps to access data stored  externally to or on a device effectively.

As stated above, the primary target here are the deep file managers. The apps that will need that access are few. Going straight to the point, apps that request access to all files and target Android 11 can be uploaded in May, to Google PlayStore.

Other apps will have to refine their access, that’s, they will need to finely tune which data is accessed.

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