Breaking: Netflix Set to End The Era of Password Sharing In 2023

In the Year 2023, Netflix is set to charge customers extra, if they share their account information (Email and Password).

Netflix is making plans to get freeloading users to pay an extra fee and they will start charging accounts for password sharing by next year.

They are planning to institute a system that adds a fee to your plan for “extra member” subaccounts when people that are not included in your household use your membership.

The price of the new fees has not been confirmed by the top-rated company. But however, the information gathered is that it has already been tested in a few Latin American Countries and charges an extra fee for each member worth approximately one-quarter of the price of a “standard” Netflix plan.

password sharing
password sharing netflix

If the proposed plan is implemented by Netflix, then of course each extra member subaccount in the US would cost between $3.50 and $4.Years after being nonchalant about password sharing, Netflix has started looking for available ways to get shared accounts to pay for services, this is a result of realizing a huge amount of loss early this year. In addition to this, Netflix has made plans to launch cheaper subscriptions.

Netflix has over the years dominated the streaming video field, aside from years of unflagging subscriber growth, which made almost all of Hollywood’s major media companies put billions of dollars into their own streaming operations. These so-called streaming wars brought about a wave of new services, including Apple TV plus, Disney plus, etc.

Netflix Set to End Password Sharing In 2023

A flood of streaming services has emanated which has complicated the industry and has left users confused about which to watch a favorite show. Seeing how competitive the streaming platform has become. Netflix is gradually pursuing strategies it had dismissed for years.

Countries in which the password-sharing fee system has been tested include Chile, Costa Rica, and Peru for about six months. Recently, Netflix launched a profile-transfer feature. Which is the primary link of the password/sharing fees tested in Chile, Costa Rica, and Peru.

This feature lets a profile that was created on a shared Netflix account, transfer its streaming history and preference to a new, solo account. Take note that this new account can then be added to another person’s Standard or Premium plan.

password sharing netflix
password sharing netflix

In July this year, Netflix announced that it would run a test in various methods in Argentina, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, etc. This test has established an account’s main residence as the “home” for the membership. Streaming at any additional households for more than two weeks would make the account owner pay for additional “homes”.

Netflix seems to be bringing this model in Favor of the ones that were previously tested.

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