Amazing : New Whatsapp Version Will Integrate New Photo Editing Tools

Just the way Meta enriches Facebook and Instagram with new features, it’s the same with WhatsApp Several features are regularly added and more are yet to come.

WhatsApp just released a new WhatsApp version of its application for Android. his version reveals new features that will be used to edit images and videos.

New Whatsapp Version
New Whatsapp Version Will Integrate New Photo Editing Tools

The two tools revealed are new brushes and a function to blur images. These changes are under development though. Looking at the first new feature that strengthens the application’s drawing capabilities.

WhatsApp offers only one brush in its built-in editor. But in its Whatsapp Version beta version, there are three brushes: fine, medium and coarse. Additionally, it comes with the line color change option already present.

More About The New Whatsapp Version

Regardless, this may seem fair compared to the photo editors you find in your smartphone but it still has its own benefits. The second new feature which is the blur option is not entirely new, because it’s already available in the iOS version of WhatsApp.

New Whatsapp Version
New Whatsapp Version Will Integrate New Photo Editing Tools

This option makes it possible to reduce the visibility of part of all of a photo and also a video. It is a tool that’s already very practical in iOS, making it easier and faster to share media without having to go to another application to obtain same result.

These tools are only available to WhatsApp beta users. However, they should arrive very soon in the general version.

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