Amazing : Twitter Now Testing Out Tiktok-Like Explore Page 2021

Twitter is testing out a new Tiktok-Like  Explore page by displaying tweets in full screen of the mobile app.

The new Explore experience seems to be available in Android and iOS devices but only for selected users who use the app in English and some specific countries.

A “checks Explore tab” tweet was posted by Twitter and screenshots of what the experimental explore page looks like was shared.

Tiktok-Like Explore Page
Twitter’s Tiktok-Like Explore Page

As one could see previously, the Explore tab shows tweets that it thinks you might like and those trending currently.

But only cover photos of the topmost tweet are shown and the rest of it are headlines of the tweet. It’s time for a change now.

More About Twitter’s Tiktok-Like Explore Page

The Explore new-look features a full-screen tweet, showing the links, photos or videos. It’s still full screen, if it’s just a text tweet.

There are also two tabs there: For You and Trending, which is pretty much similar to TikTok’s explore page.

Videos seem to autoplay and you’ll have to swipe up and down to move between the tweets.

Judging from the screen recordings of those that posted, showing the new tab, the trending tab doesn’t have the fullscreen treatment.

With giants like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube trying to capture the magic of TikTok.

Tiktok-Like Explore Page
The New Tiktok-Like Explore Page

TikTok has had a major influence on how social media apps have developed over the years.

These apps would either create their own user interface and similar features or actually imitate what has worked for the Chinese-owned video app.

It is not clear how much longer this will go on before we get a new social media darling.

The Twitter test of the new explore tab seems to be rolling out to users randomly. So if you’re one of the few lucky users, you’re advised to test it out and see it is a change you’ll welcome.

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