Twitter is changing its policy on sharing private media without individual’s permission
Sharing tweets that contain someone’s email address, real name, phone number has already been banned. Addition to the rule is inclusion of medi but public figures is excluded in most cases.

Twitter Safety states “There are growing concerns about the misuse of private media and information that is not available elsewhere online as a tool to harass, intimidate, and reveal the identities of individuals.
Also, “Sharing private media, such as images or videos, can potentially violate a person’s privacy, and may lead to emotional or physical harm.”
It’s believed by Twitter that sharing private media has a bad effect on particular groups such as activists, women, members of minority communities, etc.
According to Twitter, enforcing this rule may seem to be an issue but the media ban is only but an extension of its existing framework.
Notwithstanding whether the tweet contains personal information of someone, like phone number or address, image or video of the person, it has to be reported first to Twitter by someone.
A review will be done by a moderator to be sure the tweet violate the rules. Then, the content will be removed by Twitter if it goes against the guidelines. That said, the media ban applies differently to public figures.

The announcement made was “This policy is not applicable to media featuring public figures or individuals when media and accompanying Tweet text are shared in the public interest or add value to public discourse.
However, if the purpose of the dissemination of private images of public figures or individuals who are part of public conversations is to intimidate harass, or use fear to silence them, we may remove the content in line with our policy against abusive behavior.”
Twitter stressed that assessment of reports are done on case-by-case basis, as opposed to being automated.
Sharing media of an individual may be permitted if it is in the public interest or related to an event that’s newsworthy. Take for instance, an image found in traditional or mainstream media may be allowed.
Similarly, amateur pictures of an apartment fire that incidentally capture someone in-frame may be considered appropriate.
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