Fascinating : Twitter’s Flock May Allow You Create a Group Of Up To 150 “Close Friends”

When you post something on Twitter, all your followers will be able to see it. But what if you need to post something personal but you only want a certain number of people to see it? News was gotten a few days back that Twitter will now call “Trusted Friends” as Twitter’s Flock.

Though there hasn’t been an official announcement, the leaked information suggests that it will allow you to create a group of “close friends” of up to 150 people. According to tipster Alessandro Paluzzi, users will now be able to add up to 150 people in their Flock.

Twitter's Flock
Twitter’s Flock May Allow You Create a Group Of Up To 150 “Close Friends

After they’ve been added to the group, only they will be able to see the tweets that you specifically chose to post to your Twitter’s Flock. Clearly, only those added to the Flock will be able to reply to those tweets.

More About Twitter’s Flock

Also, you’ll be able to update the list anytime and if anyone is removed from the Flock, they will now know since no notification will be sent to them. Furthermore, the tweets sent to the Flock will have a label that reads “You can see this Tweet because the author has added you to their Flock”.

Twitter's Flock
Twitter’s Flock May Allow You Create a Group Of Up To 150 “Close Friends”

Before you can send a tweet to your Flock, you will have to get an audience option before you post, choosing between Everyone and Flock (although the previous UI still says Trusted Friends). Also, there seems to be an option that will allow tweets from your Flock appear at the top of your timeline.

We have no idea when Twitter plans to roll out this feature or if it will eventually be called Flock even. They said they’ll be expanding communities recently so we are not expecting it to be anytime soon.

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