Facebook Messenger To Launch Split Payments Feature Soon 2021

Facebook Messenger To Launch Split Payments Feature Soon 2021

Some may agree with me that one of the most complicated things about going out with friends is the splitting of the bill at the end and reminding them to pay up. Meta may have a solution soon for you; for moments like this and other times when you need to divide various payments like … Read more

Facebook Merges Messenger With Instagram Direct

Facebook Merges Messenger With Instagram Direct

Facebook Merges Messenger With Instagram Direct Instagram’s overhauled messaging system now allows for cross-app communication with Instagram and Messenger. Instagram Direct Merges With Messenger Instagram’s in-app messaging system is starting to look a lot more like Messenger. Facebook has begun merging some of Messenger’s features with Instagram Direct, changing the way you chat on the … Read more

Simple tips on how to Secure Your Facebook Account From Hackers.

Simple tips on how to Secure Your Facebook Account From Hackers.

Its no big deal anymore to hack a Facebook account.I remembered when my account was hacked and I couldn’t get it back because I wasn’t updated and informed about security of account. Options On How To Secure Your Facebook Account: Victims of  hacked account is the fact that they are fooled most at times by … Read more

9 Simple steps to change old profile picture on facebook without losing likes

change old profile picture on facebook without losing likes

If you want to learn how to change old profile picture on facebook without losing likes on that particular profile picture, Droidvilla Technology Solution have provided 9 simple step by step guide on how to change back to old profile picture on facebook with likes. Also read: How to pin a post on Facebook page using … Read more

Hate Speech Visibility Dropped 50% in 9 Months, Says Facebook

Hate Speech Visibility Dropped 50% in 9 Months, Says Facebook

Facebook is reacting immensely at allegations that its artificial intelligence systems aren’t doing enough to curb hate speech on the platform. Integrity VP at Facebook, Guy Rosen wrote a blog post disagreeing to some of the claims emerging out of a recent WSJ report. What Does Facebook Have To Say Concerning Hate Speech? Rosen said that … Read more

Discover An Easy Way To Use Facebook Post Backdate Feature on Mobile 2021

Discover An Easy Way To Use Facebook Post Backdate Feature on Mobile 2021

Here you are going to learn How to Use Facebook Post Backdate Feature on Mobile Phones. Facebook Post Backdate is a feature which allows users to set their posts to any desired date. meaning, whenever you miss a birthday update or anniversary posts, you have nothing to worry about. you can still upload the posts … Read more

How to stop your personal information leaking to the world

How to stop your personal information leaking to the world

How to Stop your Personal Information Leaking to the World   At some point you have probably shared too much online. Here’s how to reclaim some privacy and make sure your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn aren’t leaking private information.   The internet can be an obnoxious place, and the sharing culture of social media often … Read more

Best Way To Recover/Retrieve Facebook Draft Posts On Android/iOS App 2021

Best Way To Recover/Retrieve Facebook Draft Posts On Android/iOS App 2021

How To Recover/Retrieve Facebook Draft Posts On Android/iOS App   Have you ever saved a Facebook post and you wish to recover or retrieve back the Facebook drafted post but can’t find the Facebook draft section on Facebook, making you start writing the whole post from scratch again. Table Of Contents Definitely There must be … Read more